Glen - has been a little under the weather and he's also trying to lose weight before April 1st or he's out of a job. We're not too worried because they really need him, but it's always a little scary. His job has been fine. He took off almost the whole month of December which was nice, but I'm sure he and I both wish he could have gotten more things done around the house. The projects just keep piling up, but it's hard to do things when the kids want to spend time with him. Now we're back to the feast and famine. When he's teaching, he leaves before we wake up and sometimes doesn't get home until after the kids are asleep, then he'll have like four days off in a row. We've learned to adjust pretty well.
Me - Still as busy as ever with kids and piano lessons. I set a goal to read 20,000 pages last year and I didn't reach the goal, but I still managed to read over 12,000 so I felt great. I really missed reading and it got me back in the habit. One of these days I'll list my favorites for suggestions. The holidays were great and once again Glen surprised me with a gift that was not in the budget, but he'll figure out how to pay for it (anyone want to buy a gun?). He bought me a new Mac laptop and it has been nice to be able to check things on the Internet in the kitchen where I can keep an eye on the kids. You would think I would have been able to blog more too, but I still have to keep my sessions on the Internet quick.
Isaac - Continues to love school. His teacher decided not to come back after she had a baby over the Christmas break so he came back to a new teacher, but after a few kinks, I think things are going well. He continues to be more independent every day and loves to go play with friends. He walks home from school with a couple other kids and although he takes a lot longer coming home, I think he really enjoys the freedom. He's lost two teeth so far and thinks it is just the coolest thing.
Ella - Oh, our little princess! She had a blast at her dance recital and cracked us up as she ran from one side of the stage to the other. We think she stole the show during her number. Glen cut her hair a week or so before her recital and even though I thought he was just going to trim it, he asked her how she wanted her hair and she said like Snow White. Two seconds later she said Sleeping Beauty instead, but the damage had already been done and Glen had chopped it into a bob. It looked very cute, but Ella was extremely upset. I assured her that it would grow back and we wouldn't cut it short again so she could look like Hannah Montana (her other favorite). Well, the day after her dance recital we went to some friends house for dinner and their son came running up from the basement to tell us that Ella had cut her hair. "Yes, we know." "No, Ella cut her hair!" I'm sure all you parents can understand the panic that set in as we stood in shock wondering how bad it was. She came upstairs and her bangs were gone . . . gone. "Don't worry, Mom, it will grow back.", Ella calmly told me. From the mouth of babes. It is finally starting to grow back and one day we'll look back and laugh, but needless to say I haven't wanted to do family pictures so Christmas cards are going to be really late . . . maybe they'll be Easter cards.
Ammon - Loves his baby brother Preston, maybe a little too much. I am constantly dragging him off of Preston as he loves to lay on top of him or gets right up in his face. He is still a bit of a bully and watch out when he pulls out one of his push toys. Isaac and Ella run screaming from him all the time, despite the fact that they're bigger than him. He is also the biggest sweetheart. I think we named him appropriately because of any of my children if he were told to protect some one's sheep he would definitely chop off some people's arms and then teach about Christ. He'll be a great missionary. He loves to talk and he gets better every day.
Preston - Just keeps getting bigger and cuter. He loves to puff through his nose and thinks it's hilarious. He had some ear infections and that kid does not like medicine. The minute I would even take it out he would purse up his little lips and refuse to open his mouth. He loves his siblings and his Dad so much. He lights up when Glen comes home. He still wants to be held 85% of the day which makes things interesting, but he's also figured out how to drag himself around on the floor. It's not quite the army crawl and it takes a great deal of effort, but if he sees a toy he can usually pull himself over to it. He's rolling over everywhere too, but still not sitting up on his own. Of course if he did sit up, Ammon would probably knock him over. He also likes to say Dadadada and can squeal and shrieks louder than all the kids combined.
Overall we're doing well and looking forward to warmer weather.
Your kids are so beautiful and so grown up!!! I've been thinking about you, so I'm glad you posted. I'm glad everything is going well for you guys.
The kids all look so cute! Hang in there and thanks for the update!!
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